
You know how a small, random idea can suddenly get a mind of its own and grow unexpectedly? Well, that is how my gaming neckties collection jumped to where it is now and is gaining momentum. I have mentioned here before that I am teaching Game Studies and Writing & Editing for Gaming at Taylor University. Well, two years ago I taught the first of those courses and had this idea that I should have some gaming-themed ties to wear while teaching. I picked up one or two at Goodwill, which were fun to wear and were great conversation starters. Then I found a place that made custom ties and had some made specifically for me. Later that year, I received a couple ties as birthday and Christmas gifts. And this year, the gifts have expanded to my first bow tie.

First, you have to understand that I really enjoy wearing ties to work. I am not required to do so, I just enjoy it. Ties allow me some creative expression at work. I have serious ties for those days I need them, but most days I am wearing a fun tie with some wild pattern, cartoon characters, comic heroes, animals, words, logos, vehicles, technology, etc. I now have enough Christmas ties (mostly thanks to Goodwill) that I can wear a unique one to work each day from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and still have a few left over for weekend and evening events. So, it comes as no surprise that game ties would interest me, I just didn’t expect that collection to grow so fast.

Even as quick as my gaming neckties collection has grown, it has been challenging to find tabletop game themed ties. I find lots of video game ties, most of which I pass on, as tabletop is my passion (except for some classic video games like Space Invaders). Cards and six-sided dice themed ties are not too difficult to acquire, but finding ones that are polyhedral dice and board games are much more challenging. RPG-related ties are the most rare. so I was excited when I was gifted the D&D bow tie this year. Custom ties are an option but a bit more expensive. And part of the fun is the hunt to find the ties or receive them from friends and family who know my interest.

Do you have some fun clothing or jewelry that you collect and wear for creative expression? When my wife taught, she had all kinds of fun science-related earrings. We know a doctor who wears fun socks each day, as that is the only area of attire not part of the dress code where he works. What about you?

Now that you know about my interesting in gaming neckties and bow ties, keep your eyes out for me. If you see any fun gaming-themed neckties (or bow ties) online or in a store, let me know, and I will go check them out. If you happen to find a fun gaming-themed necktie cheap at a Goodwill, secondhand shop, or garage sale and you don’t want it for yourself, feel free to pick it up for me and I will reimburse you and pay shipping. Thanks!

Side Project: Gaming Neckties

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